Ms-24 Question bank (12)
Ms-24 Question bank
Ms-24 june 2008
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMS-24 june 2008
l. Outline the objectives of industrial relations. Briefly explain Dunlop's approach to industrial relations.
2. Briefly discuss the structure of Indian trade unions .
3. Briefly explain the evolution of managerial unions in India. Describe the factors influencing the formation of managerial unions in India.
4. Briefly explain the major perspectives that are dominating the industrial relations scenario since 1991
5- write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Functions of employers' organisations
(b) Degrees and forms of participative management
(c) Collective Bargaining
(d) Importance of Integrity and Trust in employment relations
(e) Grievance redressal mechanisms
6. Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end.
In one state, the Chief Minister was invited to the annual conference of a union where union elections were also scheduled. The Chief Minister inaugurated the conference and observed as follows : "i propose that you elect Mr. XYZ as your president and the president in turn elect his team. " Before the members could understand the significance of what the Chief Minister had said there was a big round of applause from the audience presumably orchestrated by supporters of the Chief Minister's nominee for president ship of the union. Before anyone could say anything, quite a few queued up and began to garland Mr. XYZ. Mr. XYZ then rose and announced the names of his nomin ees. The elections concluded. Those who were elected were happy about the smooth and cordial manner in which the elections had been held. Referring to two cases in the recent past in neighbouring factories, they said, irr one the rival unions spent a lot of money in elections. From where had the money come. Would the ones who had spent so much money not want to recover it in one form or another ? Another elected person was talking about how management manipulated the elections to have a 'company'
union. Some of the people who had aspired to contest rvere dismayed but could not do much because of the atmosphere in which the whole thing had happened.
(a) Comment on the case and the divergent viewpoints/perceptions of those who won the elections without contesting and those who wanted to contest but could not.
(b) Discuss the problem of trade union democracy.
(c) What suggestions do you have to make trade unions truly for the members, of the members, and by the members ?
(d) What role, if any, should management have in the manner in which unions are administered ? Is there a justification for managements to intervene in the
internal matters of unions on the grounds that the internal dynamics of unions affect the functioning of the company wherein the unions operate.
Ms-24 june 2009
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMS-24 june 2009 solutions from ignou university
Ms-24 june 2010
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMS-24 june 2010
1. What is industrial relations ? Briefly discuss the Dunlop's approach to industrial relations.
2. Discuss the factors influencing the formation of managerial unions in India.
3. Outline the process and conditions for success of trends in collective bargaining.
4. State the issues involved in the participative forums in India.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
a) The "Red-Hot Stove" Rule.
b) Impact of ILO on industrial relations in India.
c) Powers and duties of conciliation officers.
d) Role of trade unions.
(e) Advantages of formal mechanism of grievance redressal.
6. Read the case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :
The Aristocrat Baggage Company's Suggestion Committee is meeting. The members
of the committee are listening to a report by the Secretary on the discussion that had taken place in the Company's Joint Consultative Committee meeting to which he was invited. One of the workers' representatives of the Joint Consultative Committee had brought up the case of the operator, Raman Gandhi, who three years before had put in a suggestion regarding the dispatch procedure which was turned down by the Suggestion Committee. Two years later a new Dispatch Manager was appointed. Apparently, a year after his appointment he introduced what virtually amounted to the idea suggested by Mr. Gandhi. Mr. Gandhi was furious when he heard about this and complained to the union leaders. He stated that his idea was stolen and that he will never give any new ideas under the suggestion scheme. "It is ramp" he announced. Some of his colleagues agreed with him. At the Joint Consultative Committee meeting, the Secretary had a somewhat tough
time during the heated discussion. Subsequently, as he discussed the matter with the new Dispatch Manager, the latter stated that "in any case the situation is different now. Gandhi's idea could not have been workable at that time". The Suggestion Committee discussed the matter, but failed to take any decision in this case.
Questions :
a) What is the problem in this case ?
b) Should it be mandatory for the Suggestion Committee to give reasons if it turns down any suggestion by a worker ?
c) How would you deal with the present situation ? What step would you take to avoid the recurrence of such a problem in future ?
d) How would you encourage the workers to participate in the suggestion scheme of the company ?