Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

Financing Decisions and Capital Investment

Capital Investment and Financing Decisions PART II Very important Papers(50) Examine potentiality bonds as source of corporate financing.(51) Discuss the capital budgeting techniques without probabilities.(52) Describe the general formulation of a goal programming model.(53) What is meant by utility? Do you feel financial managers should be risk averse? Why or why not?(54) Why should we be concerned with risk in capital budgeting? Is the standard deviation an adequate measure of risk? Can you think of a better measure?(55) If project A has an expected value of net present value of Rs. 20,0000 and a standard deviation of Rs. 40000, is it more risky than project B, whose expected value is Rs. 140000 and standard deviation is Rs. 30000? Explain.?(56) (a) In a probability tree approach to project risk analysis, what are initial, conditional, and joint probabilities?(b) What are the benefits of using simulation to evaluate capital investment projects?(57) What is the purpose of control? To what is it directed?(58) What are the three main types of control systems? What questions should a control system answer?(59) What tools are available to the project manager to use in controlling a project? Identify some characteristics of a good control system?(60) What is the mathematical expression for the critical ratio? What does it tell a manager?(61) How might the project manager integrate the various control tools into a project control system?(62) How could a feedback control system be implemented in project management to anticipate client problems?(63) Define monitoring. Are there any additional activities that should be part of the monitoring function?(64) What are the most critical problems that arise in calculating a rate of return for a prospective investment?(65) What other factors in addition to rate of return analysis should be considered in determining capital expenditures? (66) What percentage of the total project effort do you think should be devoted to planning? Why?(67) Why do you suppose that the coordination of the various elements of the project is considered the most difficult aspect of project implementation?(68) What kinds of problem areas might be included in the project plan?(69) What is the role of systems integration in project management? What are the three major objectives of systems integration?(70) In what ways may the WBS be used as a key document to monitor and control a project?(71) What are the six component planning sequences of project planning?(72) Any successful project plan must contain nine key elements. List these items and briefly describe the composition of each?(73) What are the basic guidelines for systems design that assure that individual components of the system are designed in an optimal manner?(74) What are the general steps for managing each “work package” within a specific project?(75) Critically examine various theories of capital structure?(76) Narrate the factors influencing capital structure?(77) Explain the criteria for determining pattern of capital structure?(78)Discuss the relevance of debt-equity ratio for Indian Public Enterprises?(79) What is a firm’s capital structure? How is it different from financial structure?(80) Under the traditional approach to capital structure, what happens to the cost of debt and cost of equity as the firm’s financial leverage increases?(81) Explain ROI-ROE analysis?(82)Explain the EBIT-EPS approach to the capital structure. Are maximizing value and maximizing EPS the same?(83)Why is the cost of capital considered as the minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment?(84) How is the Cost of Debt Capital ascertained? Give examples.(85) How would you find the cost of capital for proprietorship or partnership firm? Can you thing of any ways to do this? List them.?(86) “Retained earnings are cost free” comment?(87) Discuss various uses of the concept of Cost of Capital?(88) Determine the cost of capital for the following securities?(89) Why is Time Value of Money independent of inflation and risk? Differentiate Present Value and Terminal Value?(90) What is Net Present Value? How is the NPV rule related to the wealth maximization objectives of a firm?(91) What is IRR ? How does it relate to financing decisions? Can you use it for investment decisions of the accept/reject type?(92) What is Investment Decisions? How is it different from financing decisions?(93) Bring out the factors influencing long-term financial decisions of the firm ?(94) ‘Obtaining Positive NPV implies the same thing as minimizing the cost of capital’ Explain with examples?


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Marketing research Question Bank

Marketing research question bank(1) A well established consumer oriented company is engaged in the manufacture of detergent cakes and powder. The Company wants to do in depth study on the consumer profile of detergent cake to readjust its brand positioning. How would you go about doing this?(2) Suppose you are the marketing manager of a newly established electronic industry interested in manufacturing Televisions (TVs). How would you go about assessing the present demand for TVs in the country and the forecast for the next five years? (3) Suggest your own methods for overcoming the resistance to using market research if you are employed as marketing head of a large manufacturing organisation?(4) What is cluster analysis? What are its possible applications? (5) State how the following techniques differ from each other (a) Cluster Analysis (b)Discriminant Analysis.(6) An airlines marketing manager wants to segment his customer. How can cluster analysis be used for this purpose?(7) Give few examples of marketing situations where cluster analysis can be used?(8) Discuss with the help of examples the areas where Multi-dimentional Scaling can be applied for?(9) Define conjoint analysis and state its potientail applications? (10) Describe some marketing research problems that you feel may be amenable to conjoint analysis and explain how you would use conjoint analysis in these situation?(11) What are the steps involved in conjoint analysis? Explain with the help of examples.(12) What are the ways in which percentages may be computed in a cross-tabulation table? which way is the best? (13) In a contingency table, what type of hypothesis is tested using chi-square test? What precautions may be taken while applying the test? (14) What are the various measures used to 'measure the strength of association between two nominal variables? Describe them and clearly mention their limitations, if any.(15) Discuss the problem of using the contingency coefficient in intepreting the results of correlation analysis? (16) Explain the difference between correlation & regression?(17) What is the basic use of a chi-square goodness of fit test'? How is the valueof the test statistic calculated? How are the expected frequenciesdetermined? (18) What is the appropriate test statistic for making inferences about a population mean when the variance is known? When the population variance is unknown? Suppose the population variance is unknown, but the sample size is large, what is the appropriate procedure then?(19)Describe, in brief, the importance of editing, coding, classification, tabulation and presentation of data in the context of research study?(20) Discuss the different aspects of classification of data.What are the likely problems encountered in the classification and how they can be handled?(21) Why tabulation is considered essential in a research study? Give the characteristics of a good table?(22) Write briefly about the different forms of data presentation devices?(23) Discuss the fundamental rules of code construction?(24) Discuss with the help of suitable examples various steps involved in data processing? (25) Highlight the main, differences between qualitative and quantitative research?(26) With the help of examples, discuss the areas where qualitative research can be used in marketing?(27) What are the various methods of conducting qualitative research? Discuss advantages and limitations of each of these methods?(28) What are the four different levels of measurement? Discuss the mathematical operations which may or may not be used under each level of measurement? (29) Explain the three criterion of measuring the usefulness of an attitude scale?(30) Distinguish between graphic and itemised rating scale What are the advantages of itemised scale over graphic rating scales? Name the level of measurement which corresponds to the data collected by graphic rating scale?(31) Distinguish between the following:(a) Forced & Non-forced response formats(b) Comparitive & Non-comparitve formats(c) Balanced & Un-balanced formats(31) Show with the help of an example how you can convert ordinal scale measurement to nominal scale measurement?(33) The method of analysis of data depends upon the level of its measurement". Discuss?(34) Indicate giving reasons the scale of measurements for the following variables:(i) Geographical area(ii) Costs(iii) Index numbers(iv) Preferences(v) Cast in a society(35) Distinguish between the validity and reliability of a measure. How may the reliability of a measure be evaluated?(36) What is meant by a questionnaire? (37) What sort of marketing information can he collected with the help of a questionnaire?(38) What are the merits and demerits of a structured questionnaire? (39) In what sort of marketing studies will you use an unstructured questionnaire? (40) Explain the' meaning of open-ended and closed-ended question?(41) Compare and contrast quota sampling with stratified sampling? (42) Point out the basic difference between stratified sampling and cluster sampling?(43) Explain in detail the various sampling designs under non-probability sampling method. Also bring out their relevance in marketing research studies?(44) One of the important reasons for the use of surveys is that they can obtain sound information on what people actions in the future will be. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?(45) Discuss the main sources of primary and secondary data?(46) What is the type of data available from official publications?(47) What are the limitations associated with the use of secondary data?(48) What are the tools of collecting data from respondents?(49) Discuss the important sources of error in both secondary and primary data?(50) Explain the various extraneous variables which if not controlled in an experiment contaminate the effect of the independent variable? (51) What are the marketing research situations suitable for(a) Focus group study(b) Panel research design(c) Cross-sectional design (d) Quasi-experimental design(52) Distinguish between exploratory and descriptive research design?(53)What are the major reasons for growing importance of Marketing Research in India'? (54) What are the different ways of conducting marketing research'? Describe the scope for outsourcing of marketing research services in India?(55) Suggest some possible areas where marketing research would find increasing application in India'?(56) Briefly comment on the problems faced by researchers in conducting marketing research in India?(57) What is marketing research? (58) Briefly comment on the definition of marketing research?(59) Indicate whether marketing research is relevant to each of the following organization and if so, how each might benefit from it.(a) Your company (b) Central Minis in the Government of India (c) A retail shop(d) A bank (e) A service business(60) What are the major weaknesses of marketing rese-1rch? (61) Suggest some of the precautions to be adopted in the problem definition stage?(62) Suggest some possible areas of application of marketing research?

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1752 Hits

Marketing research Question Bank

Marketing research question bank(1) A well established consumer oriented company is engaged in the manufacture of detergent cakes and powder. The Company wants to do in depth study on the consumer profile of detergent cake to readjust its brand positioning. How would you go about doing this?(2) Suppose you are the marketing manager of a newly established electronic industry interested in manufacturing Televisions (TVs). How would you go about assessing the present demand for TVs in the country and the forecast for the next five years? (3) Suggest your own methods for overcoming the resistance to using market research if you are employed as marketing head of a large manufacturing organisation?(4) What is cluster analysis? What are its possible applications? (5) State how the following techniques differ from each other (a) Cluster Analysis (b)Discriminant Analysis.(6) An airlines marketing manager wants to segment his customer. How can cluster analysis be used for this purpose?(7) Give few examples of marketing situations where cluster analysis can be used?(8) Discuss with the help of examples the areas where Multi-dimentional Scaling can be applied for?(9) Define conjoint analysis and state its potientail applications? (10) Describe some marketing research problems that you feel may be amenable to conjoint analysis and explain how you would use conjoint analysis in these situation?(11) What are the steps involved in conjoint analysis? Explain with the help of examples.(12) What are the ways in which percentages may be computed in a cross-tabulation table? which way is the best? (13) In a contingency table, what type of hypothesis is tested using chi-square test? What precautions may be taken while applying the test? (14) What are the various measures used to 'measure the strength of association between two nominal variables? Describe them and clearly mention their limitations, if any.(15) Discuss the problem of using the contingency coefficient in intepreting the results of correlation analysis? (16) Explain the difference between correlation & regression?(17) What is the basic use of a chi-square goodness of fit test'? How is the valueof the test statistic calculated? How are the expected frequenciesdetermined? (18) What is the appropriate test statistic for making inferences about a population mean when the variance is known? When the population variance is unknown? Suppose the population variance is unknown, but the sample size is large, what is the appropriate procedure then?(19)Describe, in brief, the importance of editing, coding, classification, tabulation and presentation of data in the context of research study?(20) Discuss the different aspects of classification of data.What are the likely problems encountered in the classification and how they can be handled?(21) Why tabulation is considered essential in a research study? Give the characteristics of a good table?(22) Write briefly about the different forms of data presentation devices?(23) Discuss the fundamental rules of code construction?(24) Discuss with the help of suitable examples various steps involved in data processing? (25) Highlight the main, differences between qualitative and quantitative research?(26) With the help of examples, discuss the areas where qualitative research can be used in marketing?(27) What are the various methods of conducting qualitative research? Discuss advantages and limitations of each of these methods?(28) What are the four different levels of measurement? Discuss the mathematical operations which may or may not be used under each level of measurement? (29) Explain the three criterion of measuring the usefulness of an attitude scale?(30) Distinguish between graphic and itemised rating scale What are the advantages of itemised scale over graphic rating scales? Name the level of measurement which corresponds to the data collected by graphic rating scale?(31) Distinguish between the following:(a) Forced & Non-forced response formats(b) Comparitive & Non-comparitve formats(c) Balanced & Un-balanced formats(31) Show with the help of an example how you can convert ordinal scale measurement to nominal scale measurement?(33) The method of analysis of data depends upon the level of its measurement". Discuss?(34) Indicate giving reasons the scale of measurements for the following variables:(i) Geographical area(ii) Costs(iii) Index numbers(iv) Preferences(v) Cast in a society(35) Distinguish between the validity and reliability of a measure. How may the reliability of a measure be evaluated?(36) What is meant by a questionnaire? (37) What sort of marketing information can he collected with the help of a questionnaire?(38) What are the merits and demerits of a structured questionnaire? (39) In what sort of marketing studies will you use an unstructured questionnaire? (40) Explain the' meaning of open-ended and closed-ended question?(41) Compare and contrast quota sampling with stratified sampling? (42) Point out the basic difference between stratified sampling and cluster sampling?(43) Explain in detail the various sampling designs under non-probability sampling method. Also bring out their relevance in marketing research studies?(44) One of the important reasons for the use of surveys is that they can obtain sound information on what people actions in the future will be. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?(45) Discuss the main sources of primary and secondary data?(46) What is the type of data available from official publications?(47) What are the limitations associated with the use of secondary data?(48) What are the tools of collecting data from respondents?(49) Discuss the important sources of error in both secondary and primary data?(50) Explain the various extraneous variables which if not controlled in an experiment contaminate the effect of the independent variable? (51) What are the marketing research situations suitable for(a) Focus group study(b) Panel research design(c) Cross-sectional design (d) Quasi-experimental design(52) Distinguish between exploratory and descriptive research design?(53)What are the major reasons for growing importance of Marketing Research in India'? (54) What are the different ways of conducting marketing research'? Describe the scope for outsourcing of marketing research services in India?(55) Suggest some possible areas where marketing research would find increasing application in India'?(56) Briefly comment on the problems faced by researchers in conducting marketing research in India?(57) What is marketing research? (58) Briefly comment on the definition of marketing research?(59) Indicate whether marketing research is relevant to each of the following organization and if so, how each might benefit from it.(a) Your company (b) Central Minis in the Government of India (c) A retail shop(d) A bank (e) A service business(60) What are the major weaknesses of marketing rese-1rch? (61) Suggest some of the precautions to be adopted in the problem definition stage?(62) Suggest some possible areas of application of marketing research?

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