MS-23 june-2008
1. Explain the role of Human Resource Inventory in Supply Management and briefly describe the factors affecting internal employees.
2. Define and describe the approaches to competency mapping.
3. Describe any two selection tests and their advantages and disadvantages. Briefly discuss the comprehensive employee retention programmes.
4. Define and describe the concept of lT-supported HRIS and ways to improve its effectiveness.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Career planning
(b) Job analysis
(c) Human Resource Audit
(d) Importance of orientation
(e) Dislocation of employees
5. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.
When Adite Technologies Ltd. (ATL) moved one of their divisions to Bangalore, the branch manager in Mumbai decided to transfer those employees who did not wish to go to Bangalore to other local divisions. Ten of the thirty chose to stay and be transferred to another division. Madhuri was one of those. She was assigned to the computer moving-head division. When Madhuri reported to the new job, Narendar
Kumar, her new supervisor, told her he did not know whether or not he would have a permanent position for her. For three days Madhuri sat and watched other employees at their work. On Friday, Narendar announced that their division had received another big contract and he would brief Madhuri on her new assignment on Monday. Madhuri arrived at 9.00 a.m. Monday morning and waited anxiously to learn about her new job. Narendar did not arrive until 10.30. He was being briefed on the new contract, he said, and would not be able to meet Madhuri before lunch. At 1.30 p.m. Narendar returned to show Madhuri the operation, "we are reworking model 10-D and it only requires changing two spot welds. With this jig, you can turn one out in about three to five minutes. " Narendar added, "By the way, you will be the quality control supervisor on this job. Just double check these six spots on the blueprint. " He did not write on the blue prints or mark the areas in any way. Madhuri was given no idea how important the checks might be. "Please-watch me," said Narendar to Madhuri, taking up the welding torch. "Any one can do it easily. He repeated the operation five or six tin-res. Madhuri tried it and experienced no difficulty. Neither of them checked their reworked pieces with the blue print to see if they would pass the quality control check and as a result, Madhuri never checked any pieces after that demonstration. Narendar did not see Madhuri again until Friday. During the week several things happened. More than half the mctors did not work correctly by the time they reached the final assembly. It couid not be determined whether the faulty motors were the result of Madhuri's work or the result of a lack of quality checks. A box of 20 parts had been approved by Madhuri since her initials were on the inspection card, but she had not made the necessary alterations. That was when Narendar found time to talk to Madhuri again.
Questfons :
(a) What incidents showed that Narendar was not performing a good job as a trainer ?
(b) How do you think Madhuri feels about Narendar and about her new job ?
(c) If you were Narendar, what would you have done to improve Madhuri's performance ?
(d) Would a mentor have helped the situation ? How ? whv ?