June, 2013
1.1 What do you understand by reference service ? Discuss how advances in Information Technology have improved the efficiency of reference service provided by the library.
1.2 Differentiate between a general and a subject encyclopaedia. Describe the criteria for evaluating an encyclopaedia.
2.1 Define a National Bibliography and describe its characteristics. Briefly describe Indian National Bibliography.
2.2 Describe briefly the types of reference sources for providing information on current affairs. Discuss their limitations.
3.1 Enumerate different types of biographical information sources. How do you evaluate a biographical information source ?
3.2 State the importance of statistical information sources. What are the problems associated with such sources ?
4.1 Discuss the importance of Institutions as sources of information. What are the types of institutions that have evolved over a period of time ?
4.2 Describe different category of humans as sources of information. Mention the limitations in using them as sources of information.
5.0 Answer any fourteen questions. Choosing atleast three from each category :
5.1 Write any one title for each of the following category :
(a) English language unabridged Dictionary.
(b) Subject Encyclopaedia
(c) An International Year Book
(d) Subject Handbook
(e) Professional Directory
5.2 What information can be found in the following sources :
(a) Chambers world Gazetteer
(b) Whitakar's Almanac and Book of facts
(c) German - English Technical and
Engineering Dictionary
(e) Swamy's Handbook for Central Government Servants.
5.3 Describe the scope of the following reference books :
(a) Biological Abstracts
(b) British National Bibliography.
(d) Directory of Indian scientific periodicals
(e) Directory of scientific Research Institutions in
5.4 Mention the sources of information answering following questions :
(a) Brief description of pyramids
(b) Annual output of PhDs from different
(c) Historical Monuments of
(d) Names and addresses of companies in
(e) Unabbreviated form of WHO.